
Our goal is to simplify daily life. Here you will find some of our applications and where you can get them.


soon available for iOS and Android

All you need is a small wiper to quickly convert numbers into other units. Whether country-specific, historical or simply for technical reasons. A number can be expressed in very different units. You can easily convert with our tool and add the result directly to your application. Goodbye to long searches for conversion factors and uncertainties when entering them manually.


soon available for iOS and Android

Find the causes of time killers and budget wasters quickly and effectively. Thanks to this app, you can capture the moment and automatically receive a meaningful analysis later. Many people have already been successful with the Pareto method, which also optimizes the recording process.


for Windows available on request

In order not to lose track of many projects, the simple solution is a uniform project structure. With this helper you can avoid the time-consuming manual creation of a folder structure and the risk that different editors will introduce differences. With this tool, the project structure is created with a click and the necessary checklists are stored at the same time. This means that every new project can start in no time and you will need less time to find specific documents again.


for Android available in PlayStore

soon available for iOS

The App calculated the distance of a lightning. By plotting the values the tool makes visible if the lighting is coming or leaving.

Tec Partnerships

Together you can achieve more. This is also the case with new technologies that we have developed or when our skills help to develop a new product.

On the one hand, we are always looking for partners to bring our new innovations to market.

We are looking for partners to develop new technologies, which will be jointly developed to market maturity and then distributed either together or with other partners.

We are looking for industry experts who can develop problem solvers with us and then bring them to the market in a coordinated sales concept.